
Showing posts from April, 2017

The learning Period 1 By Etim Ebere

We are looking at The Learning Period—Part One Everything that you need to be doing from the beginning of the new term (or semester.)

The Agony of the Less Priviledged by Nwafor Arnold

It saddens my heart everyday when I see what a great country like Nigeria has become,, the I ask myself this Question: Is there hope for the less privileged???? My heart weeps,my spirit is broken My beloved country Nigeria which God has bless with so many natural resources suffers See little children hawking on the street not to buy expensive things just to meet up the basic things of life Youths who graduated well from higher institution find it hard to get a job,to fend for themselves Parents doing hard jobs and get little pay for it just to make sure their family don't starve High increase in price of good services everyday when the little income is not able to meet up the needs Our federal and state university tuition fee are so expensive,to the extend a common laborer can't afford to send his children to school Students are not being paid bursary Christians are dying every day in the north part of the country,people losing their family due to bombings Christi

Jokes for today (Lmao

Yo momma is so fat, I took a picture of her last Christmas and it's still printing.

Lesson 2(Best students A+

Topic: Why You Are Not Yet the Best Student in Your Class For Jambites and Undergraduates, we trust that you have a higher level of

Open a smart kids save account Today

GTBank - Open a Smark Kids Savings (SKS) Account for your Kids    The Guaranty Trust Bank Smart Kids Save (SKS) Account is a unique product designed to introduce “smart” kids (children under the age of 13) to the world of money and finance.

lesson 1: (The Idiot who Got the best result) by Etim Ebere
